Bookkeeping Services

In an effort to save money, many small businesses struggle with areas that are not their strength and expertise. During the early stages of the business, bookkeeping appears to be an easy task. (Money in – money out = profits)

As the business grows, you take on more business expenses, which means more overhead to keep track of. As the customer base expands, you begin to accept credit cards and set up bank accounts and lines of credit with the bank.

The more complicated your business becomes; the more important is it to have good bookkeeping controls in place. What typically happens is that the small business owner puts off doing the bookkeeping duties because he is busy with the new customers. The weekly bookkeeping tasks become monthly tasks.

Soon, the business owner is unable to balance his checkbook and begins to purchase supplies using the business’ lines of credit. Before he knows it, three months have passed. When the books finally get balanced, the accounts are overdrawn, and bills are due. Many businesses are unable to pay for their monthly advertising expenditures and overhead when this happens and the business is then ‘out of business.”

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Our bookkeeping services include the clean-up, organization and maintenance your general ledger with services such as:

  • Small business accounting
  • Outsourced bookkeeping
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Payroll services
  • Accounts receivable and payable
  • Income statement
  • Balance sheet
  • General ledger
  • Custom reports
  • Quickbooks® support, set-up, tune-up, training and consulting
  • Tax preparation services
  • Daily money management services
  • Personal bill pay for busy individuals

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